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Scalp-KT 19 Squamous Suture Speech Area 2


This is a horizontal area that spans 1 cun anterior to Shuaigu (GB 8)  

  • Migraine, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, and diminished hearing
  • LEFT side also treats: slurred speech, speech impairment, and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)
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Method 1: From 0.5 cun above the Squamous Suture, insert three needles pointing downward at a depth of 1 cun, crossing the Squamous Suture. Align the first needle vertically to the apex of the ear, and position the second and third needles 1 cun anterior and 1 cun posterior to the first needle, respectively.

Method 2: From 0.5 cun above the Squamous Suture, insert three needles at a 45-degree angle toward the face at a depth of 1 cun, crossing the Squamous Suture. Align the insertion point of the first needle to the ear apex, and position the second and third needles 1 cun anterior and 1 cun posterior to the first needle, respectively.