In the original Tung lineage acupuncture system, a total of 740 different points was recorded, of which around 200 are most commonly used in today's clinical practice. Despite this drastic reduction in the number of active points, 200 points can still make the list too dauntingly long for a clinician's daily practice. The two categories of secret family points, the 72 Severing Points and the 32 Relieving Points, thus emerged that made this list more manageable. In other words, these are the quintessential and most effective go-to points for Master Tung's Acupuncture.
The name "72 Severing (Absolute) (絕 Jué) Points" was coined because these points are so effective that they can put an end to the disease/condition in question along with a patient’s suffering. These points each target very specific conditions and are extremely effective for their respective indications. For example, Mufu (T 66.02) treats red/white vaginal discharge exceedingly well. Whereas some points like Mufu (T 66.02) are used independently in treatment, others are applied in a synergistic Dao Ma group.
The 32 Relieving (解 Jiě) Points are used mostly for acute, urgent conditions such as poisoning (including drug overdose), dizziness, pain, fainting, and loss of consciousness. For example, Dizong (T 44.09) is known as the revival point to recover collapsing yang, and is used specifically for cardiovascular disorders leading to loss of consciousness.
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Together, the 72 Severing and the 32 Relieving Points encompass the most commonly used and clinically efficacious points in the Tung lineage system of acupuncture and bloodletting.