Meet Our Expert Speakers on Master Tung's Acupuncture

Chuan-Min Wang
D.C., L.Ac.
Born in Taiwan, Dr. Chuan-Min Wang, D.C., L.Ac. received a Philosophy B.S. degree from Fu-Jen Catholic University in 1974 and an Education Master degree from National Taiwan Normal University in 1977. During his college years, Dr. Wang studied Chinese Philosophy and I-Chin from Master Hwai-Jin Nan. During 1972-1974, he learned Tung's acupuncture directly with Master Ching-Chang Tung. After his studies, Dr. Wang taught philosophy at a local...

Henry McCann
D.A.O.M., L.Ac.
Henry McCann, DAOM, L.Ac is the author of "Pricking the Vessels: Bloodletting Therapy in Chinese Medicine," and the co-author with Dr. Hans-Georg Ross of "Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture." Dr. McCann has bachelor degrees from Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music, and was a Fulbright fellow to Japan where he specialized in modern Japanese history. He completed his professional training in Chinese medicine first at...

Esther C. Su
Esther C. Su, L.Ac. received her M.A. in philosophy and has practiced traditional Chinese Medicine since 1987. She learned Master Tung's Acupuncture from Dr. Miriam Lee, one of the pioneer acupuncturists in the United States, and Dr. Young Wei-Chieh, a direct student of Master Tung. With her strong theoretical interest, she has interpreted Tung's points based on classical TCM Theory to integrate Tung's points into traditional...

Robert Chu
Pharm.D., QME, L.Ac.
Robert Chu is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, specializing in Master Tung's Acupuncture. In his private practice in Los Angeles, he effectively treats pain, a wide variety of internal diseases, gynecological disorders, infertility, and side-effects from cancer treatments. Dr. Chu regularly volunteers at Pasadena’s Cancer Support Community, where he does a weekly qi gong and stress reduction class, and a monthly lifestyle/nutrition...

Brad Whisnant
D.A.O.M., L.Ac.
Brad Whisnant, licensed acupuncturist and certified medicinal herbalist, is a native of Oregon, graduating from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine and then later from Emperors college with his DAOM. Dr. Whisnant is a talented practitioner and an avid student of Dr. Jimmy Chang, Dr. Richard Tan and Master Tung's Acupuncture system. Dr. Whisnant brings “3000 years of Chinese medicine” into the present by incorporating modern research in...

Jeffrey Russell
M.S., Dipl.Ac.
Jeffrey Russell, M.S., Dipl.Ac. is a nationally-licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. He completed his four-year Master of Science degree in traditional Chinese medicine at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Science in Oakland, CA. Throughout his twelve years of independent practice, Russell has continued to deepen and extend his knowledge of the theory and practice of acupuncture and herbal medicine through classes,...

Susan Johnson
Susan Johnson, L.Ac. was licensed by the State of California in 1985. She was first exposed to Master Tung’s Acupuncture in 1982, in the clinic of Dr. Lee Chuan-Djin (Dr. Miriam Lee), OMD in Palo Alto, California. Susan was the primary student of Dr. Lee for more than twelve years and even traveled to Hefei, China together in 1987 to study bleeding techniques with Dr. Wang Su-Jen. Also in 1987, Susan was introduced to Dr. Young Wei-Chieh, which...

Richard Teh-Fu Tan
Dr. Tan was a leading authority in our profession. His skills represented the culmination of years of study and seeing thousands of patients during his 20 years of practice. Dr. Tan’s mission was to teach his Balance Method to as many practitioners as possible. And that mission and his legacy still lives on, even beyond his passing.