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Master Tung Acupuncture Points

Point Location
T 1010.09


This point overlaps with Zanzhu (BL 2), which is superior to the inner canthus, in a depression on the medial end of the eyebrow. Some books state this point is 0.2 cun above Zanzhu (BL 2).

T 1010.10


This point overlaps with Yuyao, which is 0.2 cun above the center of the eyebrow.

T 1010.11


This point overlaps with Sizhukong (TH 23), which is 0.2 cun above the lateral end of the eyebrow.

T 1010.12


This point overlaps with Suliao (GV 25), which is on the tip of the nose.

T 1010.13


This point overlaps with Quanliao (SI 18), which is located directly below the outer canthus, in the depression at the lower border of the zygomatic bone.

T 1010.14


This point is on the SI channel, 0.4 cun inferior to Quanliao (SI 18), at the level of the lower border of the ala nasi. Quanliao (SI 18) is located directly below the outer canthus, in the depression at the lower border of the zygomatic bone.

T 1010.15


This point is 0.5 cun lateral to the inferior border of the ala nasi, close to Yingxiang (LI 20).

T 1010.16


This point is 1.4 cun lateral to Renzhong (GV 26), which is at the junction of the upper and middle third of the philtrum.

T 1010.17


This point overlaps with Dicang (ST 4), which is lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil of the eye.

T 1010.18


This point overlaps with Xiaguan (ST 7) on the face, which is in the depression between the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch when the mouth is closed.

T 1010.19


This point is on the face, close to the ST channel, 0.4 cun inferior to the corner of the mouth.

T 1010.20


This point is on the face, close to the ST channel, about 1 cun inferior and 0.5 cun medial to the corner of the mouth, or 0.5 cun obliquely medial to Shuitong (T 1010.19).

T 1010.21


This point overlaps with Sibai (ST 2), which is in the depression of the infraorbital foramen directly below the pupil of the eye.

T 1010.22


This point is in the depression on the alae of the nose, midway between the lateral border of the alae and the tip of the nose.

T 1010.23


This point is 1.5 cun superior to the ear apex, close to Shuaigu (GB 8).

T 1010.24


This point is on the GB channel, 1.5 cun superior and 1 cun posterior to the ear apex.

T 1010.25


This is a two-point set on the Du (governing) channel with the first point on the tip of the external occipital protuberance and the second point 0.8 cun above the first.

T VT.01


9 points total

  • Point 1, or center point, is on the thyroid cartilage or over the Adam’s apple.
  • Points 2 and 3 are 1.5 cun lateral to Point 1, one on each side. They overlap with Renying (ST 9).
  • Points 4, 5, 6 are 1 cun superior to Points 1, 2, 3.
  • Points 7, 8, 9 are 1.5 cun inferior to Points 1, 2, 3. Two of the points are close to Shuitu (ST 10).
T VT.02


12 points total

  • These points are arranged in 2 lines of 3 points inferior to the clavicle (6 points on each side). The first line is 1.3 cun inferior to the clavicle, and the second line is 2.8 cun inferior to the clavicle. The 3 points are 1.5 cun apart. 8 of the points are nearby or on Kufang (ST 14), Wuyi (ST 15), Shencang (KI 25), Yuzhong (KI 26).
T VT.03


5 points total

  • The first point is on the midline of the sternum, level with the 2nd ICS and overlaps Zigong (CV 19).
  • Each subsequent point is 1 cun inferior to the previous one, totaling 5 points.