SD Display Title:
Herpes zoster
Treatment Type:
Protocol - Original Text:
Allergic Area, Endocrine, Adrenal Gland, Shenmen, Occiput, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Lung, corresponding point (to the area affected). Bleed Ear Apex.
For herpes zoster with insomnia, add Neurasthenia Area, Neurasthenia Point, and Nervous Subcortex.
LCH Protocol - Ear Seed:
LCH Protocol - Bleed:
Protocol Notes:
Add point(s) corresponding to the area(s) affected.
For herpes zoster with insomnia, add Neurasthenia Area, Neurasthenia Point, and Nervous Subcortex.
LCH Protocol - Add seeds by area affected:
Point Prescription - Modifications: