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Dream disturbed sleep or to improve sleep

SD Display Title: 
Dream disturbed sleep or to improve sleep
Protocol - Original Text: 

Dream Disturbed Sleep Area, Shenmen, Occiput, Heart, Neurasthenia Area, Neurasthenia Point, Nervous Subcortex. Bleed Ear Apex.
For Dream Disturbed sleep due to disharmony between the Heart and Kidney: add Kidney.
For Dream Disturbed sleep due to deficiency of both Heart and Spleen: add Spleen.
For Dream Disturbed sleep due to Liver qi stagnation: add Liver.
For nightmares: add Gallbladder.

LCH Protocol - Bleed: 
Protocol Notes: 

Due to disharmony between the Heart and Kidney: add Kidney.
Due to deficiency of both Heart and Spleen: add Spleen.
Due to Liver qi stagnation: add Liver.
For nightmares: add Gallbladder.

LCH Protocol - Add seeds by area affected: 
Point Prescription - Modifications: